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August A-Team Excitement!

Updated: Aug 22, 2023

I keep saying I will more consistent with my blog posts. Each month something pops up to keep it inconsistent. This's Leo Season. We have more than our fair share of family birthday bliss which includes an annual road trip. We boarded the dogs and had some State Fair fun with my brother and sister-in-law. Its a nice quick getaway and bonding moments.

Work is crazy. The children are back in school.

The Naturopathic Momma is doing her thing. Plus, Poppa found her an OFFICE! I will be able to take clients in-person without having to scramble in finding a place to meet without children, pets, or too many ears. I will have more than enough space to prepare custom products for my clients. I can practice other modalities or give a full consultation with privacy.

Projects are in the works!!!!

I have plenty left to do, but no rush to get it all done ASAP. I am learning how to go with the FLOW. Pacing myself out. Allowing others to help me make this vision come into reality.

Until the next post! Hugs and Love!


Aug 24, 2023


Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!

I immediately noticed the locs🤓. Beautiful picture.

Aug 24, 2023
Replying to

Thank you! 💕 There were a couple with locs. Soul sheep! Lol

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