Yes. I'm talking about detoxing again. And, I won't stop!

Look...the time is NOW and there are many different ways you can detox. Let's first talk about WHY.
Food is suspect. When you go out to eat, 99.9% of the time you have NO idea where this food came from. Do you know the farming practices? If it's non-GMO? Organic? Ethical treatment of the animals? HELL NAW! And, if you do know where the food is coming from, do you know how and what they feed the animals? Is the water they are using non-toxic? Are they spraying your lettuce with pesticides? Are they rotating their crops. How much sugar are you really consuming every day?
Air quality is questionable. There is a lot you cannot see. What I do see is chemtrails.
Drinking water is IFFY. If you buy bottled water, it's in plastic. Do you test the water you are drinking? It could be regular tap water in a bottle.
Medications, "theraputic treatments", and those dreaded v*c-cines can change some things. I can give you a short list of people close to me who have died not because of the dis-ease, but of their treatments.
Stress can make you sick. We don't spend enough time in nature, interacting with high vibrational people, or frankly sitting with yourself and your thoughts.
I am sure I can add a few more but my head is hurting from the negativity of this list.
So, what do you do? First step I always will recommend is to DETOX and RESET your body. I will repeat this until I am blue in the face. You will see post after post about detoxing. SERIOUSLY. It is on the top of every list.
What type of detox will depend on the individual? If you want a customized program, email me. Here are a few options that I recommend and it could be a combination of them all for a long term program.
Raw foods only - juices, smoothies, all fruit
Water Fast
Intermittent Fasting
Master Cleanse
There are so many detox programs out there to chose from depending on your level of commitment. You can find one that works for you. Depending on your goal and pre-existing conditions will determine how long your detox program should last and how often you should detox.
I love my Liver Cleanse. I talk about it regularly. It cleans up the ENTIRE digestive system. You will need to clean your toilet really good afterward but it is a highly effective for a physical and mental purge. You will go through some thangs! I also love intermittent fasting. When combined with a raw food diet, you can knock out food addictions/snaking, control blood sugar, and regulate hormones.
Children can also detox. Cut out the fast food and processed foods for a week. Feed the babies mostly fruit and veggies. Find herbal teas they like to drink and swap out sodas and juice boxes.
Last week, I failed at my planned detox due to stress and disappointments. This is when I really want my comfort foods and dirty chai teas. Today is a new week. I can start over and hit the reset button. This Momma has a few projects to get started on and to complete this week. I have no time to be lax!
Until the next time, Hugs and Much Love!
I love the way you provide direct, but concrete solutions to help one reach their goaIs😊. I am looking forward to the next detox.
Yes Momma this is confirmation for me, I was just saying the other day that I need to figure out a plan for me to detox from the foods I have been consuming that has created lots of swollen membranes producing to much MUCUS. Thanks 4 Confirming 🙌🏽💗🥰